The Organization

CER is a non-profit organization that engages children to promote sustainable cities and communities where every child can live in a decent, healthy and abundant environment. This organization believes that because in any society, children are good agents of lasting behaviour change, our children need a platform to project their voices about environmental conservation and other concerns.

Given that over 60% of Kenya’s population is under 20 years of age, empowering children for environmental conservation is of paramount importance for the wellbeing and very survival of mankind. The future belongs to them. CER seeks to help them secure the right to a clean healthy world by advocating for policy changes and raising money to maintain needy young environmentalists in school.

With focus on education, good practices including, clean, green healthy environments, and social responsibility, through activities like creative expression for public sensitization CER nurtures and exploits the potential of every child and youth to enhance environmental awareness for sustainable cities and neighborhoods.

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Make Donation

Your money can cure this earth

We are a larhge froup of people who powered movement fighting for a green and peaceful future for your land, forest, ocenas, foods, climate and pass the green earth to our children. Each one of us can make small changes in our lives, but together we can change the world.

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Stop Drilling, Need Action!

Your voice does matter

The Obama administration just granted Shell’s final permit to drill in the Alaskan Arctic this summer despite overwhelming global public opposition and the obvious risks to Arctic communities, wildlife, and our climate. But this isn’t over. The President knows what’s at stake: his climate legacy.

Act Now!
Mollis Mattis

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Ullamcorper Mattis Etiam

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Mattis Etiam Justo

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